High-Impact IT Services That Transform Businesses Operations

Welcome to Adeptus
Technologies Services

From software development and web development to infrastructure and network support; we are here to help your business achieve the highest levels of performance and efficiency. Our developers and IT professionals are here to help you get the most from your business operations. With years of collective experience across a wide range of sectors and industries, we are here to help you identify the key areas of your business that can be improved through expert software and
IT solutions.

We Have Divided Our Service Offer Into Three Key Areas That Closely Meet Our Client's Most Pressing Needs
As Follows:

Software Development

Bespoke software development lies at the heart of our core capabilities. Our team of developers thrives on the challenge of creating cutting-edge, slick systems that deliver real value to our client's business models.

The Software We Can Develop Include But Are Not Limited To:

  • Operations
  • E-Commerce
  • Logistics
  • Customer Management
  • Workflow Automation
  • Employee Development
  • Employee Management, And More.
We deliver software big and small, whether your marketing team needs a custom campaign app to track conversions or your change management team needs a comprehensive transformation management system and KPI, dashboard tracker. From finance to logistics, our team will show you how expert software can bring tremendous improvements to
your business.

Our Software
Development Process

  • We begin our software development process by completing an initial software check of your existing software infrastructure and delivering a full audit to identify any gaps.
  • We work with your business leaders to understand where they feel there are capability gaps and where they see opportunities to drive the business forwards with strategic software development and investment.
  • We facilitate this process by offering insight into what is happening in the industry, what competitors are doing and where the trends bring fresh opportunities for
    forward-thinking businesses.

Identifying Priorities

From here, we can identify possible priorities for software development. We work with our clients to understand which areas they would like to prioritise for their operations, using tools such as cost/benefit analyses to understand where maximum returns can be derived.

For example, some software developments focus on improving customer experience whilst slashing cost to serve. Others might enhance business process automation and cut errors, and some may focus on improving regulatory compliance.

Developing Superb Solutions

Whatever the business wants, we are here to develop. Our custom software solutions are based on exact client requirements to produce truly bespoke solutions. Our software developments offer superb functionality and are designed to integrate seamlessly within existing applications for a holistic, smooth operating landscape within the business.

Continuous Improvement

We believe in continuous releases and development to ensure our client businesses continue to have the best possible level of functionality and service, future-proofing releases as far as possible and using cloud deployment to minimise system updates. Our focus is on long-term partnerships and support, so we can invest our time and expertise in adding exceptional software features that give our clients a competitive edge.

We also develop software that can evolve and grow over time and solutions that naturally integrate with other in-house systems for a seamless approach. Whether your focus is cutting costs, maximising efficiency or driving forward sales conversions, the proper software development can help.

Web Development

We offer expert web development services for businesses looking for high-performing, cutting-edge digital assets that deliver for their customers. We specialise in building the latest responsive websites that function seamlessly across all devices, screen sizes and resolutions for the optimal customer
UX experience.

Our builds are more than just beautiful brochure sites; they can also deliver powerful sales functionalities, act as communication hubs, and lead generation according to
your objectives.

Naturally, we build our client's websites using the latest agile technologies for flexible and responsive builds that genuinely meet the evolving needs of the business and its customers. Our team of designers and developers will collaborate with your business leaders to learn about the needs and expectations of the company, understand customer desires, and inform internal stakeholders of a modern website's advantages in business, sales, marketing, and operational capabilities.
Our team can help you create whatever type of website you need, from a basic brochure site to a complex, multi-layered corporate umbrella site or a full-featured e-commerce website with international commerce capabilities. We guarantee that we will deliver a website that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Your customers will see your investment in a smooth, seamless, on-brand digital asset that allows them to achieve their goals - building brand loyalty and more conversions in the process.

Naturally, we can work with your marketing resource to ensure your website is optimised for the following:

  • SEO
  • Online Advertising
  • Social Integration And Other Marketing Channels
We build custom and template-based websites as required, with back-end CMS systems for easy updating and
ongoing management.

Infrastructure And
Network Support

A robust, secure, high-performing IT infrastructure and network is at the heart of every strong business. This resilience relies on the support of a comprehensive, skilled and responsive team who are always on hand to ensure any challenges and bottlenecks are tackled rapidly and at the source. Highlights of our infrastructure and network
support include;

  • Fully-managed, outsourced service
  • Actively monitoring your networks to identify
    potential issues
  • Stress test system to look for weaknesses
  • Applying the latest security patches and protocols
  • Rapidly fixing any problems or risk areas
In today's increasingly digital and fast-paced world, it is tough to fully resource an in-house IT network and management team who can constantly invest in the skills and knowledge they need to keep up to speed with what is happening in the industry. It is unrealistic for small and medium-sized enterprises to buy into this level of permanent, in-house support and then constantly invest in ongoing training and development in this fast-paced, ever-evolving field.

How Adeptus Technologies Can Help

Our team is here to deliver your Infrastructure, and Network Support needs as a fully-managed, outsourced service. We monitor and manage complete IT configurations, networks and infrastructures for our clients, ensuring full operational resilience. We actively monitor networks to identify potential issues, stress test the system to look for weaknesses, apply the latest security patches and protocols and rapidly fix any problems or risk areas that may arise during our testing procedures or daily operations.

Whether your business is experiencing recurring issues that are compromising your operational efficiency or experiencing disruption to core tools that require rapid fixing, Adeptus' teams are always ready for anything!

By outsourcing your IT infrastructure and network support function, you gain immediate access to a highly skilled and resilient team around the clock, without the cost and time investment needed to maintain an expensive
in-house team.